OUT NOW: POP STYLES VOL.1 – 30 great pop songs by various artists
KHB Music Compilation flagship presents 30 top-class hits
On the 17th of October 2014, the first edition of the brand new compilation series “Pop Styles” Vol. 1 will be published. The new cross-genre KHB Music Compilation flagship presents 30 top-class hits of international as well as German stars, and various songs of trendy newcomers. The musically diverse sampler offers a very varied mix of styles from Pop, Dance, Hip-hop to Singer-Songwriter and other currently trendy types of music.
Tracklist: 30 Tracks from Jesse Ritch, Sydney Youngblood, DJ Rob de Blank, Hella Donna, Isabell Soares, Damon Paul, BBS, FB Connexion, Hypnotic Beat, Andreas Kümmert, Fabian Bruck, Manhattan Clique, Wiyaala, John Arth feat. David Seidel, Tom Malar, Grayhound O.C.D, Leo Sayer, Frank Wesemann, Anni`s Revier, David Blair and many more
Am 17.10. 2014 erscheint die erste Ausgabe der brandneuen Compilation Serie “Pop Styles” Vol. 1. Das neue genreübergreifende KHB Music Compilation-Flaggschiff präsentiert 30 hochkarätige Hits internationaler und deutscher Stars, sowie diverse Songs trendiger Newcomer. Der musikalisch breit gefächerte Sampler bietet einen abwechslungsreichen Stilmix aus Pop, Dance, Hip-Hop, Singer-Songwriter und weiteren aktuell angesagten Musikrichtungen.
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